Dean's Welcome Message

Elizabeth A. Dolan, Dean
Dear College of Health Class of 2028,
I am delighted to welcome you to the College of Health at Lehigh University.
Congratulations on your acceptance into the College!
Do you want to play a role in researching and improving health outcomes, impacting global and domestic health policy, or developing entrepreneurial technologies for preventing and treating chronic illness? All of these are possibilities for your future now that you’ve chosen the College of Health. For those interested in careers in medicine, dentistry, or veterinary medicine, completing a degree in the College of Health will give you a unique perspective and a strong skill set that will set you apart from other applicants to these professional programs.
You were accepted into the College of Health because we are inspired by your desire to make a difference in the world’s health and impressed by your qualifications. We are confident that you will excel in any of our majors: BS in Population Health, BA in Community & Global Health, BA in Health, Medicine & Society, and BS in Biostatistics & Health Data Science. Our programs address the multiple determinants of health, and each involves unique perspectives, such as data analytics, epidemiology, development of health interventions, and more. We are also excited to offer minor programs, which you can read more about on our website.
Please join us in June for “COH 101,” virtual sessions designed to introduce you to your life as a COH student. In these sessions, you’ll hear about the different classes in COH, meet some of our advisors, and learn how to register for classes.
We hope to see you at events for admitted students and really look forward to getting to know you better in the Fall.
Elizabeth A. Dolan, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Health