Eleanor Nwadinobi, MBBS, EMA, FAAC
International President
Medical Women's International Association

Eleanor Nwadinobi is a Nigerian medical doctor and women’s health activist. She is the first Nigerian to be elected as president of the Medical Women International (MWI) Association. She is also Co-Founder of the Every Woman Treaty, a coalition advocating for ending violence against Women and Girls.
Through the MWI Association, Nwadinobi is working on the prevention of breast and cervical cancers through increasing awareness – promoting activities within communities, screening services for breast and cervical cancers as well as noncommunicable diseases like diabetes and hypertension.
The Association uses a unique campaign called the Women’s right to health information (WORTHI). This operates on the belief that if medical information is made simple and easy to understand and delivered to women in the local language, then communities can receive and act on lifesaving information. The Association carries out the WORTHI campaign in communities so that mothers who are the main care givers in their homes can use this lifesaving information to save their own lives and those of their families.
Dr. Nwadinobi got her first degree in Medicine at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and she received a master’s degree in Human Rights at the European Inter-University Centre in Venice, Italy.