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Russell McIntire, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor, Department of Population Health
Office: HST 274


Dr. Russell McIntire is an Associate Professor and behavioral epidemiologist. He studies the influence of neighborhood and place-based characteristics, social and behavioral risk factors, and interventions on chronic diseases, with a particular focus on the health effects of green spaces. For many of his studies, he collaborates with community-based organizations who work to increase the amount of and access to quality green spaces. His major topical interests include healthy parks, gardening and greening interventions, mental health, and cancer outcomes.

His scholarly goals are to identify populations with the greatest disease burdens, help design interventions to reduce health disparities, and educate students to become compassionate and effective public health professionals. Dr. McIntire’s research, teaching, and service contribute to his mission of improving the quality of life and life expectancy of people within populations, and reducing health disparities between demographic and geographic groups.

Indiana University School of Public Health – Bloomington, Ph.D. in Health Behavior, MPH
Case Western Reserve University, BA in Biology and Environmental Studies

Areas of Research and Publications

  • Social and behavioral research
  • Epidemiology
  • Parks and Green Spaces
  • Built environment
  • Community-engaged research
  • Cancer prevention

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